Case studies

Find out where our technologies are helping businesses and institutions make better decisions. We are ready to help you too.

Monitoring of KISS & RIDE parking spaces

Each of us has surely experienced it - we go to a store or to run some errands by car into the center of the town and fight with the decision - where to park, even for a couple of minutes? Some cities are beginning to realize this and offer their citizens the option of kiss & ride parking spaces. But how to effectively monitor their use?

Client: Brno
Location: Veselá street, Brno, CZ
Solution: Smart city, Traffic and roads
11 monitored parking spaces
1 autonomous sensor
39% of drivers don't observe the max. permitted parking time

Number of visitors at a one-day event

Not only Brno residents had the opportunity on Saturday 9/9/2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to walk and inspect this unique the flyover in the section of Rokytova street to Tomkovo náměstí, which is part of main city ring construction, measuring more than 500 meters and will be open to motorists in during the next year.

Client: Brno
Location: Rokytova St. to Tomkovo náměstí, Brno, CZ
Solution: Smart city, Traffic and roads
500m long section
2,5 billion CZK investment in the bridge
30 min. installation and commissioning

Monitoring people movement intensity

When organizing cultural, sports, leisure or other public events, the municipality financially supports various associations or clubs with the goal to provide them with a place for the given activity on their property. A frequent parameter mentioned in the application for financial support is the expected number of visitors who will participate in the event. But can this number be effectively measured?

Client: Brno
Location: Náměstí Svobody, Brno, CZ
Solution: Smart city
1 autonomous sensor
2 monitored directions
⌀ 30,000 people per day

Supervision of access roads to areas with a higher level of nature protection

Rangers of the Krkonoše National Park (KRNAP) solve together with the police dozens to hundreds of cases of unauthorized entry or entry into areas with a higher level of nature protection every year. However, the primary goal is not to hand out fines, but to prevent such behavior. Can modern technologies led by artificial intelligence (AI) make conservation work easier for rangers?

Client: Krkonoše National Park
Location: Horní Mísečky, CZ
Solution: Smart city, Traffic and roads
2 autonomous sensors
2 monitored directions
⌀ electricity consumption energy 6W

Data driven decisions save time and money

Making decisions based on data, not assumptions - that's the motto we like to use at VisonCraft. We are all the more excited if the representatives of cities and municipalities share the same idea when deciding on how to spend public funds they manage.

Client: Horka I
Location: Horka I
Solution: Smart city, Traffic and roads
1 autonomous sensor
3 monitored areas
outputs within 48 hrs of ordering

Use-cases catalog

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